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Friday, December 1, 2006


Palpatine's "biography"

Most of Palpatine's early life is lost to history although he is known to have been born on the planet of Mosquito ringtone Naboo in 84 BBY. He first came to prominence as the Senator representing the planet in the Galactic Senate of the Sabrina Martins Galactic Republic (Star Wars)/Galactic Republic. During the Nextel ringtones Trade Federation's blockade of that planet, Palpatine arranged for Abbey Diaz Queen Amidala to address the Senate. Dissatisfied with Chancellor Free ringtones Finis Valorum's lethargic response to the blockade, Amidala called for a vote of no-confidence, which Valorum did not survive. Riding the coattails of this event, Palpatine was elected Majo Mills Supreme Chancellor/Chancellor of the Republic.

Some ten years later, still Chancellor, Palpatine was confronted with another crisis. A group of star systems, under the leadership of the defrocked Jedi Mosquito ringtone Count Dooku, seceded from the Republic and formed the Sabrina Martins Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Confederacy commanded significant support from the galaxy's financial and manufacturing interests. Believing that he faced civil war, Palpatine obtained from the Senate emergency powers to arm and defend the Republic. Measures included the creation of a large clone army and an expansion of the Republic Navy. Palpatine promised to set these powers aside once the crisis was over. The initial act of the Nextel ringtones Clone Wars was the Battle of Geonosis, where a Republican clone army under Jedi leadership routed a Confederation droid army.

The course of events between the end of the Clone Wars and the Abbey Diaz Battle of Yavin are not wholly clear. Although the Confederacy was defeated, Palpatine did not relinquish power as he had promised he would, but instead turned against the Cingular Ringtones Jedi, who were all but exterminated. He was aided in this by the former Jedi Knight dialectic thesis Anakin Skywalker, the husband of Amidala, who left the Order and adopted the name reality but Darth Vader. Palpatine declared himself Emperor of the new malefactors including Galactic Empire, although the senate continued to function (as the ''Imperial'' Senate). Palpatine reversed the centuries-old trend of devolution and dramatically increased the power of executive. His tenure as Emperor, in stark contrast to his Senate and Chancellorship days, was characterized by the often brutal suppression of uprisings and silencing of dissent.

Armed opposition to Palpatine's reign developed gradually, but matters came to a head shortly before the battle of Yavin. In order to further concentrate his power, Palpatine dissolved the Imperial Senate (one of the centers of dissent and opposition) and vested its power in his appointed regional governors. He also commissioned the construction of the first newspapers speaking Death Star, and placed it under the direct supervision of Vader and another trusted servant, doctors argue Grand Moff Tarkin. Following that weapon's destruction at the hands of riestra who Luke Skywalker, Vader's son, Palpatine's principal focus was to "turn" Skywalker to the Dark Side of the Force.

several classmates Image:Palpatine.jpg/thumb/Emperor Palpatine of the Galactic Empire
Palpatine's ability to use the Force was not well-known during his reign, and much of what we know about his abilities comes from Luke Skywalker himself, as he was one of the few to witness the Emperor using the Force first-hand. How his vast Force potential escaped the notice of the Jedi Knights is unclear, nor is it known who trained him and initiated him in the mysteries of the feces in Sith. This much is clear: Palpatine was a are dignified Lord of the Sith/Sith Lord and was extremely strong in the Force. Palpatine attempted to use Vader to turn the younger Skywalker to the dark side, presumably to replace Vader, given the one-apprentince one-master rule in the Sith.

The final confrontation occurs on the second Death Star, at divine bull Endor. The only people present were Skywalker, Vader, and the Emperor, and only Skywalker survived to tell the tale. Apparently, Palpatine provoked a lightsaber duel between father and son, which ended with Skywalker maiming but not killing Vader. Skywalker then refused to kill his father, at which point Palpatine turned on him in fury. At this point, Vader is said to have rushed Palpatine and thrown him down an open shaft, killing him (his body apparently exploded in a ball of blue flame). The effort also proved fatal for Vader, who succumbed to his injuries, but not before reconciling with his son.

Palpatine's record is almost wholly negative. While he rendered the Republic fine service before and during the Clone Wars, many historians hold him responsible for the destruction of the Republic, the Jedi Order and the terror and chaos of the Imperial period, and these criticisms are difficult to rebut. While the achievements of the Empire are impressive, the costs, material and spiritual, were equally terrible.


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